[Royals] 100 APR = 10USD

This seller has a linked Discord, check out their info!

Seller Notes


Currently Selling​
-> 100 AP Resets = $10 USD​
-> Taru Totem = $5 USD​ (550mill)

Message me on Discrd before buying for supply information, Discrd username is realjjxx. i'm more active on Discrd than here.
I've sold to over 100 people with 0 bans, my methodes are bulletproof and everything i do has a reason behind it to make our transaction as safe as possible.
Rwt is a risky business, be safe and trust the right seller. My shop reviews speak for themself, you deserve a 5 star seller

Product Specifics

Product Type Miscellaneous
Server Private Server

In stock

Stock Available: 743
Tips before making a purchase:

Always be aware of what's going on in your game. We do not directly offer refunds if items, accounts or currencies are wiped by developers. Click here to see why.

  • Has the developer been issuing ban waves lately?
  • Have there been any recent exploits (currency exploits, dupes, etc)?

Always conduct your trade on PixelMarket using the Messaging System, not Skype or email.

Read more tips here to make sure you never lose out on a trade
