Reboot Heroic Kronos Carries | Reboot Heroic Hyperion Carries | Normal Will Carry | Max Droprate | Coaching Included

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Seller Notes

Hey all!

Offering Normal Will Carries for NA Reboot Heroic Hyperion and Heroic Reboot Kronos servers! Max drop rate will be equipped at the end of the fight and mechanics will be taught before the fight.

Add vm0351 on Discor.d for more information and scheduling. Run times are flexible.

Boss carries will be carried on max droprate characters, and with mechanics explained beforehand. If the boss has a loot room, max drop rate gear will always be equipped at the end of the kill at loot room. I have full drop gear with double lines (360%) and drop rate inner ability (20%), as well as drop familiar and holy symbol (100%+24%), and drop coupon (50%), 20% from WAP (Wealth Acquisition Potion) as well as a base rate of (100%).

This is a total drop rate of up to 674%!

Normal Will : $15

Product Specifics

Server Reboot NA
Service Type Bossing

Regular Price: $24.99

Special Price $0.01

In stock

Stock Available: 999998
You can only buy 1000 or more of this item.
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Always be aware of what's going on in your game. We do not directly offer refunds if items, accounts or currencies are wiped by developers. Click here to see why.

  • Has the developer been issuing ban waves lately?
  • Have there been any recent exploits (currency exploits, dupes, etc)?

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