Seller Notes
Offering Max drop rate CRA (Chaos Root Abyss) 4-doors SOLO carries for the NA Reboot Heroic Kronos and Heroic Hyperion servers! Run times are flexible, and clears are instant.
To get started: Add me on Discor.d - vm0351
Boss carries will be carried on max droprate characters, and with mechanics explained beforehand. If the boss has a loot room, max drop rate gear will always be equipped at the end of the kill at loot room. I have full drop gear with double lines (360%) and drop rate inner ability (20%), as well as drop familiar and holy symbol (100%+24%), and drop coupon (50%), 20% from WAP (Wealth Acquisition Potion) as well as a base rate of (100%).
This is a total drop rate of up to 674%!
You'll get all three BiS CRA equips in the same run guaranteed. Let me know about scheduling in advance.
3-doors only without Chaos Vellum: $8.99
4-doors full: $14.99
Discor.d (no spaces and case sensitive) : vm0351