Boss Carry Services Kronos

This seller has a linked Discord, check out their info!

Seller Notes

- Please contact me on rdmspix (linked disc) for availability before purchasing.

- Carries are 100% legit and secure. No login required.
- If you have any requests for services that are not in this list, msg me so we can discuss :)
- In case you need a pilot (not needed unless you can't run at the time or dont think you can survive), details will be at the end of the post

Weekly Bosses

All Hard Weekly Bosses will be done with 376-426% drop rate depending on char availability
Fast boss runs

- Hard Lotus: $8 (Berserked included, Black Heart not included)
- Hard Damien: $8 (Eyepatch included)
- Hard Lomien Bundle : $12

- Hard Lucid: $14 (Twilight Mark and Dreamy Belt included)
- Hard Will: $14 (Will's Book and Twilight Mark included)
- Hard Luwill Bundle (Full Loot) : $25

- Chaos Guardian Angel Slime : $12 (Slime Ring included)

- Chaos Gloom: $15 (Endless Terror included)
- Hard Verus Hilla: $15 (Source of Suffering and Daybreak pendants included)
- Hard Darknell : $15 (Commander Force Earrings included) :
- Chaos Tenebris bundle (Full Loot) : $40

- Luwill + Tenebris + Cslime bundle (Full Loot) : $60

- Black Mage : $40 (Genesis Badge can be negotiated if available, pm for more info). Pilot price is not included.
- If you want to run yourself, please know mechanics.
- Make sure you have the required mission in progress and have Fragment of Destiny (BM's key to enter boss) in inventory.
- You can still get BM's Genesis liberation quest item's without doing any damage, but for umbras/ring box/etc you need to deal the 5% damage required.

- Seren : $40 (Emblem (Mitra's Rage) and Daybreak Pendant included). Pilot is not included.

- nKalos / eKaling : pm for more info

Piloting Services :

- The pilot will do the 5% damage required if your character is able to (please check beforehand and make sure guild skills and buffs are available if needed)

Lotus + Damien : $5
Lucid + Will : $8
Gloom + Vhilla + Darknell : $12
Luwill + Tenebris + Slime pilot bundle : $20
Black Mage : $10
Seren : $10
Piloting services for genesis liberation quest are also available, pm for more info

Product Specifics

Server Reboot NA
Service Type Bossing

In stock

Stock Available: 1959
You can only buy 2 or more of this item.
Tips before making a purchase:

Always be aware of what's going on in your game. We do not directly offer refunds if items, accounts or currencies are wiped by developers. Click here to see why.

  • Has the developer been issuing ban waves lately?
  • Have there been any recent exploits (currency exploits, dupes, etc)?

Always conduct your trade on PixelMarket using the Messaging System, not Skype or email.

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