[RideOrDie]Serious Farming service for serious[ broken9 ] For high-profile players

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Seller Notes

Hiyo. welcome! Its BROKEN9 speaking, here you will find everything you need to know about MS EXP / MESO SERVICE **( both Reboot + REG** ) .


I am young, dumb and broke . but i HAVE TIME

YOU are mature, rich and free. but you NEED TIME.

----------- LET ME help you with that.

- - **I offer MESO / EXP farming service, i can push your main to 285 / 290+ with you . 100% legit , no 3rd party program , no auto software , no spanish keyweight , ..etc. I will do everything by hand. DONT LET YOUR MVP RED COUPONS DIE OUT .**

Reminder : ALWAYS triple check with me, dm me on pixelmarket website as well to make sure 100% that you are talking to me .

- How and what i do :

1: i will log in to your game

2: i will farm on any char you request

- MESO / EXP RATES : Currently, the best way to farm mesos is by using a Shadower. However, I understand that not everyone wants to create a Shadower, which is why I can also farm on your main character. The rate will depend on your resources. ( meso / drop gears / min max stuff / SAC ... ).

**i can do BA / stream test for you, its FREE** :slightly_smiling_face:

- My schedule is 100% open. However, please contact me to set an appointment so we can discuss your needs. I currently work with a mix of long-term clients and occasional buyers. I can push 8-20hrs a day to help you hit 285 / 295+.

- ADD ME ON DC. MY DC IS MY NAME ====> broken9 <======


- Can stream / voice chat . both ingame and irl ( using my phone to stream myself using keyboard to ensure 100% legit hand service )

Prices : 1 hours = *4.5$ / h*

Discount : I offer discounts—the more hours you purchase, the lower the price. Contact me to discuss the details and get more information.
i can farm as much as you want everyday :flushed:

**BIG discount for long term buyer / bulk :triumph:. DM me**

- **broken9**



Check the right side to see my Completed Orders :)

Verified seller. Veteran seller. - please make sure to send me a message <3


*** About Me***



- I’ve provided services for many end-game players, including several ranked in the top 20+ in their respective classes. I’ve helped numerous players reach 290. As an end-game player myself, I fully understand and keep up with the meta. :flushed:


- I’m doing this my way, and I take your information extremely seriously. As an end-game player myself, I understand the intricacies behind the scenes, including the dynamics within top-tier guilds and end-game strategies. Your avatar’s security is my top priority, and I’ll do everything I can to protect it.

**Are you seeking TOP-NOTCH, professional service? Try me out—everything is free until you’re fully satisfied. :flushed:**

- If you’re looking for someone to help you push to 290, or level up your 2nd, 3rd, or 4th main to 255/275 for liberation, I’m the person you need. I’ve successfully done this for many players already - give me a try.

- everything is handmade, i take pride in my work, i play MS myself on the same pc, im onl while farming so you can check / ask me to stream ( or w/e ).

- i know the game and easy to work with, just talk to me about anything that you need.

* i know the drill - your information will be 100% safe with me. I’ve farmed for many players in the top 40 guilds in Reboot, ensuring complete safety and security. * :flushed:***

- I reinstall my window every 1-2 months. I PLAY MY MAIN ON THE SAME PC EVERYDAY.

- This is why I’m doing things a bit differently. Of course, I want to earn money (young and broke, right?), but I take pride in my service. Everything is 100% handmade, and I’m extremely careful with your **information and reputation.**

- My schedule is currently open. O.O I have a lot of long-term and seasonal buyers, so communication is key. Don’t hesitate - just add me! My contact info is on the right. Let’s talk, and I’ll help you with everything you need.

- If you are new to my service and want to start buying, DO NOT BE AFRAID!! just add me - **broken9** -

- Im a human i need to sleep to ( Sadge ) xD

- I am not associated with anyone else and never will be.



Product Specifics

Server Reboot NA
Service Type Other

Regular Price: $5.00

Special Price $3.80

In stock

Stock Available: 98999
Tips before making a purchase:

Always be aware of what's going on in your game. We do not directly offer refunds if items, accounts or currencies are wiped by developers. Click here to see why.

  • Has the developer been issuing ban waves lately?
  • Have there been any recent exploits (currency exploits, dupes, etc)?

Always conduct your trade on PixelMarket using the Messaging System, not Skype or email.

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