MapleLegends 1B + GIFT

Seller Notes

Are you looking for a fast and safe way to improve your MapleLegends experience?

Look no further! We offer you 1B (1,000,000,000) at a competitive price, so you can get everything you need to advance in the game.

With 1B you can:

BUY THE BEST EQUIPMENT: Get the most powerful weapons, armor, and accessories to increase your strength and dominate your enemies.
PURCHASE POTIONS AND CONSUMIBLES: Improve your performance in battle with Apples, defense potions and much more.
PAY FOR LEECH SERVICES: Hire experienced players to help you level up or complete difficult quests.
DOMINATE THE MARKET: Invest in MESO to buy and sell items at more advantageous prices, and earn significant profits.

Why choose us?

WE ARE REALIABLE SELLERS: We have extensive experience selling MESO in MapleLegends and an excellent reputation among our customers.

SECURE TRANSACTION: We offer PixelMarket secure and reliable payment method to make your purchase a risk-free experience.

CUSTOMER SUPPORT: If you have any questions or problems, our customer service team will be happy to help you.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to improve your MapleLegends experience. Buy 1B today!

For more information, contact us on pixel's chat or you can poke us

We look forward to hearing from you!


1.. Hand made Mesos.
2. After trading mesos we don't refund.
3. If you got any question feel free to ask.


Product Specifics

Meso Increment Per 1b
Tax Covered Yes
Server Private Server

Out of stock

Tips before making a purchase:

Always be aware of what's going on in your game. We do not directly offer refunds if items, accounts or currencies are wiped by developers. Click here to see why.

  • Has the developer been issuing ban waves lately?
  • Have there been any recent exploits (currency exploits, dupes, etc)?

Always conduct your trade on PixelMarket using the Messaging System, not Skype or email.

Read more tips here to make sure you never lose out on a trade
