EU H.Lucid Carry

Seller Notes

**You can contact me on discor.d - Khawaja# 4313 ( .khawajaa ) for a fast response and to ensure availability**

EU Reboot Hard Lucid Carry

- Carry 100% legit, secure and fast
- Chance to obtain arcane gear / hard lucid (weapon, gloves, cape, shoe)
- Pitched Items obtainable for the person who blinks the furthest.
- Lucid Soul Shards (0-3)
- Lucid Butterfly Droplets (2-3) (used to obtain Arcane Umbra Gear)

Product Specifics

Server Reboot EU
Service Type Bossing

In stock

Stock Available: 998
Tips before making a purchase:

Always be aware of what's going on in your game. We do not directly offer refunds if items, accounts or currencies are wiped by developers. Click here to see why.

  • Has the developer been issuing ban waves lately?
  • Have there been any recent exploits (currency exploits, dupes, etc)?

Always conduct your trade on PixelMarket using the Messaging System, not Skype or email.

Read more tips here to make sure you never lose out on a trade
